There are many ways to listen online, they are listed in brief below and some have their own pages which explain them in more detail.
Specialist VI Services
British Wireless for the Blind Fund (BWBF) provide a number of solutions specifically aimed at visually impaired people. Witney Talking News is available on their Bumblebee Smartphone and also in the BWBF Talking Newspaper app. The app is available for all modern Android and Apple phones. On all these services you can find Witney Talking News in the “South East” section.
For eligibility details of these services please see the BWBF webpage.
Open Access Services
Voice Assistants
These services are undoubtedly a positive development for those with sight loss as they require only voice interaction. Witney Talking News is currently available through Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home and Apple’s Siri. If you have a Spotify account, and have it configured with your assistant then you can play Witney Talking News through that. Otherwise, choose the assistant you have in the list below for specific instructions:
Weekly Email
If you like a prompt each week to announce the arrival of the news, just like receiving the pouch in the mail, then sign up for our weekly email.
On the website
At any given time the latest 4 editions and 1 magazine are available via the web player. This offers the same track list functionality as the USB stick allowing the option to skip or repeat tracks as desired. More details may be found on the Listen Now page.
Additionally the archive contains all surviving editions and every magazine in single track format. You can find the latest edition on every page, and the latest edition and magazine both linked from the menu. Unlike the latest ones it is not possible to skip track by track in these, but it is possible to seek forwards and backwards in the player by sliding the bar.
You can find Witney Talking News listed on Google Podcasts, Spotify and iTunes. The buttons below will open the podcast in those applications.

If you prefer you use your own podcast software, you may use the link below to subscribe:
Streaming Playlists
Lastly playlists are available for use with your preferred computer media player. These offer a list of tracks similar to the USB stick and allow for the option to skip or repeat tracks as desired. See the streaming playlists guide for full details.