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AGM 2020

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Invitation & Programme

The 42nd Annual General Meeting will take place via Zoom and telephone on Monday 9th November 2020 at 7pm. The meeting is open to all volunteers and all registered listeners. If you would like details of how to join please contact us.

The program will be as follows: Reports from the Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Technical Consultant, followed by the election of officers and committee members.

Please note that neither the minutes of the 41st AGM held on the 11th November 2019 (available in print and summarised in audio below) nor the reports (available in print and audio below) will not be read out at the AGM. Please do read or listen to them, and if you have any comments or questions you wish to make, these may be done either at the meeting or by email beforehand if you cannot attend.

The audio versions of the reports will also be added to the 29th October 2020 edition of WTN and so may be heard there by listeners.

Under the rules of our constitution, there should be a maximum of 10 elected members of members of the committee. Officers and committee members retire each year but may offer themselves for re-election. The following members are prepared to stand again for the coming year:

Peter Bee (Secretary), Malcolm Bradford (Treasurer), Mike Grantham (Listeners’ Representative), Eric Imeson, Nigel James, Valerie Palmer (Minute Secretary), Alan Revell, Gavin Smalley (ex-oficio Technical Consultant) and Doreen Turner (Admin Secretary).

As you can see, there is currently a vacancy. If you, or you know of a volunteer who would be prepared to join the committee, you/they would be most welcome. Meetings are held every three months. Please contact us as soon as possible for a nomination form.

Due to the retirement of our Editorial Director, Sheila Rickwood, and two of her editors, Chris Purple and David Burton, we do need to recruit new editors, so please think carefully about this and let us know if you would like to help.

Thank you.

Minutes of the 41st AGM held 11th November 2019

The full minutes are attached here in print and a summary in audio format.

WTN AGM 2019 Summary Of Minutes Of 41st AGM 2018-19


Chairman’s Report

WTN AGM 2020 Chairman’s Report 2019-20

Treasurer’s Report & Accounts

WTN AGM 2020 Treasurer’s Report 2019-20

Secretary’s Report

WTN AGM 2020 Secretary’s Report 2019-20

Technical Report

WTN AGM 2020 Technical Consultant’s Report 2019-20
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