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April 2020

COVID-19 Response

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Page Updated 15th April 2021

Following recent changes to government advice we are now able to meet to recording at the High Street Methodist Church in Witney.  This means that we will be able to record in better quality than we have been using the telephone but more importantly it means that we will be able to return to sending out USB sticks.  Tonight (15th April 2021) we will meet at the Church to make necessary preparations and the first “normal” edition will be 1860 – 22nd April 2021.

Social distancing arrangements still in place mean that we will still be restricted to just two readers for the time being.

As with all organisations we will be keeping our activities under constant review as we monitor the risks to both listeners and volunteers, and we may need to amend our service again if the guidance changes.  If we do have to remove our USB service, you will still be able to listen by telephoning 01993 555 986.  Calls from our catchment area to that number are charged the same as a local call.  In case we need to revert to the telephone option at short notice we will be keeping it running for the foreseeable future.

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